Central Europe towards Sustainable Building Prague 2022 (CESB22) event is a part of 2022 international Sustainable Built Environment conference series convened under auspices of the four international organizations: iiSBE, CIB, UNEP-SBCI and FIDIC.
CESB22 is the sixth conference in a row held in Prague on the actual research in sustainable building (more on previous CESB conferences here).
Local organizers are three institutes of the Czech Technical University in Prague: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Klokner Institute and University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB).
Main contacts
Conference secretary – payments, social programme, registration
Alena Bílková – secretariat(at)cesb.cz
Scientific programme, contributions
Kateřina Sojková – info(at)cesb.cz
Partners, sponsors and exhibitors
Martin Volf – sponsors(at)cesb.cz