iiSBE Forum of Young Researchers in Sustainable Building YRSB22 is side event of CESB22.
Registration for YRSB22 is possible only for PhD students. A document proving PhD study must be uploaded into the system during registration process.
Registration fee:
90 (early)/120 (regular) EUR includes:
- YRSB22 Forum participation, electronic forum Proceedings, coffee breaks and lunch, evening Prague walk, social dinner
240 (early)/ 300 (regular) EUR for only YRSB22 active participants includes:
- YRSB22 Forum participation, electronic Forum Proceedings, coffee breaks and lunch, evening Prague walk, social dinner
- CESB22 conference passive participation, including coffee breaks, lunches and social dinner
Organization and contact
The YRSB22 is organized by Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, under auspices of iiSBE A&R Forum. The Chair of Organizing Committee is Julie Železná (julie.zelezna(a)cvut.cz). Scientific committee members will be members of iiSBE A&R Forum and other invited experts. For detailed information stay tuned to this website.
For any information contact us at yrsb(a)cesb.cz.